Blockchain Framework for Social Media DRM Based on Secret Sharing
Recommended citation: Kripa M., Nidhin Mahesh A., Ramaguru R., Amritha P.P. (2021) Blockchain Framework for Social Media DRM Based on Secret Sharing. In: Senjyu T., Mahalle P.N., Perumal T., Joshi A. (eds) Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems. ICTIS 2020. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 195. Springer, Singapore.
Huge adoption of the Internet into our daily lives generates at least few MBs of data. Social media in modern age enabled every single user with a smartphone and Internet to be a marketer, journalist, publisher and content creator. Ensuring protection and copyright of social media data like images, videos and audios are extremely demanding. Copyright infringement happens easily, and protecting the content for its originality and authenticity should be simplified. In this paper, we are proposing a blockchain framework with smart contracts to protect social media contents using IPFS, a modern decentralized file storage system and a secret sharing scheme. This framework through its decentralized and immutability feature offers limitless opportunities for managing copyright rights of content on decentralized social media.